Friday, 24 February 2012

Shaken AND Stirred!!

Soooo just between my further delayed NYFW reviews (apologies)...I thought I would add a bit of music for the weekend.

Tonight I missed out on tickets to see a new band which I am really excited about! What's more exciting is that I haven't completely missed out as they are fortunately returning in May, and the tickets are booked!!
I found Alabama Shakesa couple of weeks ago, on a late night YouTube music rummage! As soon as I heard the lead singer, Brittany Powers, start to rumble away, I knew I was going to like what I was about to hear. After watching a few YouTube videos, I was hooked and couldn't stop listening.
If you are a fan of soulful rock 'n' roll, you will definitely be a fan of theirs! However it is not only restricted to this as their music is definitely infused with a touch of country and blues.
Brittany's gritty, energetic and incredibly powerful voice is extremely hard to turn your ears away from.
I am really looking forward to their upcoming album, Boys and Girls (due out in April). Although not that new in America, they have been creating more of a stir out there recently. I am pretty sure they will be welcomed with open arms to the UK music scene. If you are off to the Boston Arms tonight, enjoy!!

Shake up your Friday and have a listen to this.

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