It first joined my iPod two days ago and it is a great tune for walking to work and preparing yourself for the day (i.e knowing you are only going to be able to appreciate the beams of sunshine from staring at it through glass windows for 8 hours...! Damn!)
Everyone needs a bit of Daft Punk in their life, especially after a 3 year break, and their new tune is one of their top tracks, featuring none other than Pharrell Williams!
Get your head phones in now!!
Daft Punk is also big in the fashion news at the moment as the controversial Hedi Slimane has featured them as part of his advertising campaign. Daft Punk and Saint Laurent, I hear you question...? Yeah you definitely would not have seen THAT 2 years ago! His recent Music Project ad campaigns are creating quite a furore in the fashion world, with having other controversial characters like Courtney Love, Marilyn Manson and Beck strewn across the pages of glossy magazines. I'm not sure if this will improve his ratings after the barrage of criticism thrown at his most recent catwalk collection, but I have to say I do like the Daft Punk photo. Many traditional Yves Saint Laurent-ites will see these adverts as another move away from the brands identity, others will welcome the dark grunginess that was depicted in the collection. I am not going to judge Slimane for these adverts, everyone likes to branch out with campaigns, and if it is the shock factor he is going for, he will definitely succeed with grabbing people's attention!